11. WAF Web Application Firewall

11.1 WAF Requirements

Logstash installed
RSE Core
RSX Interface

11.2 File download locations

Download vcredist_x64.exe: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784
Download ModSecurityIIS_2.9.3-64b.msi: https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity/releases
Download filebeat: https://www.elastic.co/downloads/past-releases/filebeat-7-17-3
Download winlogbeat: https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/winlogbeat
Download configuration: https://github.com/tslenter/RSWAFCONF

!Notice!: filebeat version 8 > is not working with the this guide.

11.3 IIS Module installation

11.3.1 Visual C++ Redistributable Packages installation

Step 1

Start the installation of the Visual C++ Redistributable packages.

image 1

Accept and click Install.

image 1

Wait for the installation to finish.

image 1

Click close. The installation is done.

11.3.2 ModSecurity installation

Step 2

Start the installation of the ModSecurity package.

image 1

Click next.

image 1

Accept and click next.

image 1

Click next.

image 1

Click next.

image 1

Click Install.

image 1

Wait for the installation to finish.

image 1

Click Finish.

image 1

Check within the IIS console if the modules are loaded.

Depending of the installation go to section 11.3.3 (WinLogBeat) or 11.3.4 (Filebeat).

11.3.3 WinLogBeat installation

Step 3

Start the installation of the ModSecurity package.

image 1

Accept and click Install.

image 1

Wait for the installation to finish.

image 1

Click Finish.

11.3.4 Filebeat installation

Step 3

Start the installation of the ModSecurity package.

image 1

Accept and click Install.

image 1

Wait for the installation to finish.

image 1

Click Finish.

11.3.5 ModSecurity Configuration

Step 4

Check the RSWAFCONF git for the MODSECURITY folder and copy all files to:

C:\Program Files\ModSecurity IIS

Edit modsecurity.conf (optional):

# based on modsecurity.conf-recommended
# -- Rule engine initialization ----------------------------------------------

# Enable ModSecurity, attaching it to every transaction. Use detection
# only to start with, because that minimises the chances of post-installation
# disruption.
#SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly
SecRuleEngine On

# -- Request body handling ---------------------------------------------------

# Allow ModSecurity to access request bodies. If you don't, ModSecurity
# won't be able to see any POST parameters, which opens a large security
# hole for attackers to exploit.
SecRequestBodyAccess On

# SecStreamInBodyInspection is required by IIS for proper body inspection
# See issue #1299 for more information
SecStreamInBodyInspection On

# Enable XML request body parser.
# Initiate XML Processor in case of xml content-type
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type "(?:application(?:/soap\+|/)|text/)xml" \

# Enable JSON request body parser.
# Initiate JSON Processor in case of JSON content-type; change accordingly
# if your application does not use 'application/json'
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type "application/json" \

# Maximum request body size we will accept for buffering. If you support
# file uploads then the value given on the first line has to be as large
# as the largest file you are willing to accept. The second value refers
# to the size of data, with files excluded. You want to keep that value as
# low as practical.
SecRequestBodyLimit 13107200
SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit 131072

# Store up to 128 KB of request body data in memory. When the multipart
# parser reaches this limit, it will start using your hard disk for
# storage. That is slow, but unavoidable.
SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit 131072

# What do do if the request body size is above our configured limit.
# Keep in mind that this setting will automatically be set to ProcessPartial
# when SecRuleEngine is set to DetectionOnly mode in order to minimize
# disruptions when initially deploying ModSecurity.
SecRequestBodyLimitAction Reject

# Verify that we've correctly processed the request body.
# As a rule of thumb, when failing to process a request body
# you should reject the request (when deployed in blocking mode)
# or log a high-severity alert (when deployed in detection-only mode).
SecRule REQBODY_ERROR "!@eq 0" \
"id:'200002', phase:2,t:none,log,deny,status:400,msg:'Failed to parse request body.',logdata:'%{reqbody_error_msg}',severity:2"

# By default be strict with what we accept in the multipart/form-data
# request body. If the rule below proves to be too strict for your
# environment consider changing it to detection-only. You are encouraged
# _not_ to remove it altogether.
"id:'200003',phase:2,t:none,log,deny,status:400, \
msg:'Multipart request body failed strict validation: \

# Did we see anything that might be a boundary?
"id:'200004',phase:2,t:none,log,deny,msg:'Multipart parser detected a possible unmatched boundary.'"

# PCRE Tuning
# We want to avoid a potential RegEx DoS condition
SecPcreMatchLimit 1000
SecPcreMatchLimitRecursion 1000

# Some internal errors will set flags in TX and we will need to look for these.
# All of these are prefixed with "MSC_".  The following flags currently exist:
# MSC_PCRE_LIMITS_EXCEEDED: PCRE match limits were exceeded.
SecRule TX:/^MSC_/ "!@streq 0" \
                "id:'200005',phase:2,t:none,deny,msg:'ModSecurity internal error flagged: %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME}'"

# -- Response body handling --------------------------------------------------

# Allow ModSecurity to access response bodies.
# You should have this directive enabled in order to identify errors
# and data leakage issues.
# Do keep in mind that enabling this directive does increases both
# memory consumption and response latency.
SecResponseBodyAccess On

# Which response MIME types do you want to inspect? You should adjust the
# configuration below to catch documents but avoid static files
# (e.g., images and archives).
SecResponseBodyMimeType text/plain text/html text/xml

# Buffer response bodies of up to 512 KB in length.
SecResponseBodyLimit 524288

# What happens when we encounter a response body larger than the configured
# limit? By default, we process what we have and let the rest through.
# That's somewhat less secure, but does not break any legitimate pages.
SecResponseBodyLimitAction ProcessPartial

# -- Filesystem configuration ------------------------------------------------

# The location where ModSecurity stores temporary files (for example, when
# it needs to handle a file upload that is larger than the configured limit).
# This default setting is chosen due to all systems have /tmp available however,
# this is less than ideal. It is recommended that you specify a location that's private.
SecTmpDir c:\inetpub\temp\

# The location where ModSecurity will keep its persistent data.  This default setting
# is chosen due to all systems have /tmp available however, it
# too should be updated to a place that other users can't access.
SecDataDir c:\inetpub\temp\

# -- File uploads handling configuration -------------------------------------

# The location where ModSecurity stores intercepted uploaded files. This
# location must be private to ModSecurity. You don't want other users on
# the server to access the files, do you?
#SecUploadDir c:\inetpub\temp\

# By default, only keep the files that were determined to be unusual
# in some way (by an external inspection script). For this to work you
# will also need at least one file inspection rule.
#SecUploadKeepFiles RelevantOnly

# Uploaded files are by default created with permissions that do not allow
# any other user to access them. You may need to relax that if you want to
# interface ModSecurity to an external program (e.g., an anti-virus).
#SecUploadFileMode 0600

# -- Debug log configuration -------------------------------------------------

# The default debug log configuration is to duplicate the error, warning
# and notice messages from the error log.
#SecDebugLog c:\inetpub\temp\debug.log
#SecDebugLogLevel 3

# -- Audit log configuration -------------------------------------------------

# Log the transactions that are marked by a rule, as well as those that
# trigger a server error (determined by a 5xx or 4xx, excluding 404,
# level response status codes).
SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
SecAuditLogRelevantStatus "^(?:5|4(?!04))"

# Log everything we know about a transaction.
SecAuditLogParts ABIJDEFHZ
SecAuditLogFormat JSON

# Use a single file for logging. This is much easier to look at, but
# assumes that you will use the audit log only ocassionally.
SecAuditLogType Serial
SecAuditLog D:\MOD-Security_LOG\modsec_audit.log

# Specify the path for concurrent audit logging.
SecAuditLogStorageDir C:\MOD-Security_LOG

# -- Miscellaneous -----------------------------------------------------------

# Use the most commonly used application/x-www-form-urlencoded parameter
# separator. There's probably only one application somewhere that uses
# something else so don't expect to change this value.
SecArgumentSeparator &

# Settle on version 0 (zero) cookies, as that is what most applications
# use. Using an incorrect cookie version may open your installation to
# evasion attacks (against the rules that examine named cookies).
SecCookieFormat 0

# Specify your Unicode Code Point.
# This mapping is used by the t:urlDecodeUni transformation function
# to properly map encoded data to your language. Properly setting
# these directives helps to reduce false positives and negatives.
SecUnicodeMapFile unicode.mapping 20127

# Improve the quality of ModSecurity by sharing information about your
# current ModSecurity version and dependencies versions.
# The following information will be shared: ModSecurity version,
# Web Server version, APR version, PCRE version, Lua version, Libxml2
# version, Anonymous unique id for host.
SecStatusEngine On

Check the crs-setup.conf.example (Optional):

Make sure the following paranoia level is set (Optional:

SecAction \

Greate the folowing directory:



cacls C:\inetpub\temp /e /p IIS_IUSRS:f
cacls C:\MOD-Security_LOG /e /p IIS_IUSRS:f

Reload the IIS service:

image 1

Click restart.

Mod security is now installed. By default we block on the OWASP ruleset. If you only want to monitor change within the modsecurity.conf the following code (Optional):


#SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly
SecRuleEngine On


SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly
#SecRuleEngine On

If the detection mode is changed do a reload of the service (reload from the IIS console):

image 1

To prevent a big “modsec_audit.log” create a batch file and schedule it 1 or 2 times a day. Example (Optional):

@echo off
del "c:\MOD-Security_LOG\modsec_audit.log"

Example file location (Optional):


If you run WinLogBeat you can disable the following configuration within the “modsecurity.conf” (Optional):

#SecAuditLog D:\MOD-Security_LOG\modsec_audit.log
#SecAuditLogStorageDir C:\MOD-Security_LOG

A batch file is not needed if the configuration of the log file is disabled using #.

11.3.6 or 11.3.7 can be followed as step 5.

11.3.6 WinLogBeat Configuration

Step 5

Configuration of the WinLogBeat package.

Go to the following directory:


Edit the winlogbeat.yml:

  - name: Application
    ignore_older: 72h
     - ModSecurity

  index.number_of_shards: 1

  # The Logstash hosts
  hosts: ["cloud.remotesyslog.com:22222"]

  - add_host_metadata: ~
  - add_cloud_metadata: ~
setup.template.fields: ${path.config}/fields.yml
setup.template.json.enabled: false
setup.template.overwrite: true

A Example can found here:


Replace the field.yml with the file given in the following URL:


Reload the WinLogBeat service:

image 1

On the server side (Logstash with the RSE Core) add the following configuration:

Create and edit a file:

nano /etc/logstash/conf.d/99-myprogram.conf

Add the following configuration:

input {
  beats {
    port => 22222

filter {
  mutate {
     rename => { "[winlog][event_data][param1]" => "message" }
  mutate { gsub => [ "message", ".*ModSecurity: [^\[]+\[", "" ] }
  mutate { gsub => [ "message", "][^\[]+$", "" ] }
  kv { field_split_pattern => "] \[" value_split => " " }
#  dissect { mapping => { "message" => "[%{[@metadata][timestamp]}]%{}" } }
#  date { match => [ "[@metadata][timestamp]", "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS yyyy" ] }

output {
 if [host][hostname] == "SENDING_SERVER" {
  elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"] index => "rse-myprogram"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Change “SENDING_SERVER” in the hostname of your host which sends logging.

11.3.7 FileBeat Configuration

Step 5

Configuration of the Filebeat package.

Go to the following directory:


Download the FileBeat configuration with the URL below and override the files within the FileBeat configuration folder. Expect for the modules folder.


Copy the module directory to:

C:\Program Files\Elastic\Beats\<version>\filebeat

Edit the filebeat.yml file with the server information:

   hosts: ["cloud.remotesyslog.com:22222"]
#  Enable if CA is enabled
#  ssl.enabled: true
#  ssl.certificate_authorities: ["${path.config}/cacert.crt"]

Reload the Filebeat service:

image 1

On the server side (Logstash with the RSE Core) add the following configuration:

Create and edit the following file:

nano /etc/logstash/conf.d/99-myprogram.conf

Add the following configuration:

input {
  beats {
    port => 22222

#use with filebeat
filter {
   json {
      source => "message"

output {
 if [host][hostname] == "SENDING_SERVER" {
  elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"] index => "rse-myprogram"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Change “SENDING_SERVER” in the hostname of your host which sends logging.